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~ Rich West Consulting ~
 Entity Removal Boot Camp Lesson 1 

Entity Removal Boot Camp

Lesson 1 (Free).


This is a simple, powerful and effective course.

I am going to share with you some things I know about entities and then I am going to share two techniques for getting them out of your sovereign space.  These are powerful techniques that really work.

It's that simple.

You can take as long as you need to learn and do this course.  If these techniques work for you as well as they work for others, awesome, that is the plan - and they have worked for many others.  

But, if for any reason they don't work for you or your special case, or you are simply not satisfied with your results, not to worry, because you have a 30 day full money back guarantee, if you are not completely satisfied.


Let's Get Started with Lesson 1.

If you are a quick student, or if you are in a hurry to get through the course, or you don't like long videos, it's ok.

I want to help you get to the 'good stuff' as soon as possible.

I recommend watching the video but here's a brief synopsis.

Basically what I am saying in the video is that the entity situation is complex and not every one is saying the same things about entities.

The entity problem on earth is multi-dimensional in nature.  Meaning they are messing with us in the physical universe and from the high planes as well.

The short story is that we do not have to know all the details about entities, to get good at removing them from our sovereign space.  We just need to know the basics and know and do the techniques.

There are two techniques that in 40 years, I have found to be the most effective.  

One is on the net here:

The one at the link above is in Internet Archives - the website has been removed.  (Makes ya wonder why - does it not?)

I offer this one first but I do not recommend it as your best shot.  It's good if you can see or sense the entities and you are real sure they are the reptilian kind though.  But be sure to look a the second technique (below) before deciding which technique to use.  Oh, and you CAN use them both on an entity or a group of entities if you need to.

Regarding this first technique:  I would post the whole technique and all the info about it here in boot camp but I don't own the copy rights, so it's simple enough to just go there.  I COULD re-write all the info in my own words, but that would take too long and I would probably get interfered with by entities with an interest in me not getting this course put together at all.  So go to the above link to learn about Reptilian Interference and a technique for removing them.  You will find there is a lot of info about the reptilian interference as you read this archived website info.  Believe that they exist or don't, doesn't matter.  But I have personally worked with people who have encountered and can see these particular kinds of non-physical reptilian entities face to face (with their third eye/psychic vision and in their lucid dreams and/or oobes).   And using this technique (found at the link above) works.  This technique requires that you see, feel, or other wise sense the entity in your space.  And the way that seeing feeling thing works is, either you can see it, hear it feel it or not.  If not, just use your imagination and without worrying about details of what it looks like, just get a 'sense' or psychic feel for where it is in your space or body or surrounding area.  Also as you do the technique you may get all kinds of thoughts and maybe feelings about 'its not working' I don't see anything' etc. etc.  Or if you can see it and hear it, it may try to give you some shit.  Don't listen.  You are more powerful and you have lots of help from the Divine Forces of Source Light and more, for getting it out of your space.  If you have resistive or pessimistic thoughts coming, this is most like the entities putting thoughts and feelings in your space to deter you from doing this 'dirty deed'.  So any thoughts or feelings that make less of the technique or you or your actions is probably their doing.  Just keep at it.  But like I said, this technique is specifically for Reptilian types - and other similar entities (similar in size and shape and manner of interacting with you).  You have a bigger gun, and bigger hammer you might say in our second technique.

The Second more useful/'bigger gun' technique is the Soul Contract Revocation technique used specifically for the purpose of removing entities.  

This is the more powerful and effective one as it will handle any and all kinds of entities (not all at once - its not a magic bullet that gets rid of them all in just a session or two) but it is used to remove all kinds of entities out from your space whether you are aware of them or not, whether you can see, feel, hear or sense them... or not.  This is the technique I have found that works best.

So, before I have you go to the Soul Contract Revocation Boot Camp page where you will learn this second technique, let's go to Lesson 2, where we focus a little more on what entities are, and how they mess with you... and how we use the soul contract revocation technique to get them out of our sovereign space.  

You can move on to Lesson 2 .

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